Hi! My name is Shay, and I’m looking for my forever home. I’m living with my foster mom and brother and having a ball! We have a fun-filled day playing with toys, chasing each other in the yard, and practicing commands, with treats of course. I’m a neat nick, too; I put my toys in a crate so my brother can’t have them all! I’m named after Shay Whitcomb of the Astros which is perfect. I’ve learned to field ground balls - in fact, I can even beat my brother about half the time! I do need a big yard and lots of time with my family. I’m comfortable in my crate at night, but I want to be with my family during the day. If you’re looking for a sweet puppy who is anxious to please, I’m your guy!Approved Adopters -You Know The Drill......If you've just started your journey to Adopt a Golden Retriever.......go to GRRH.ORG and read about the Adoption Process-The Requirements for Adopting thru GRRH-and fill out an application to get approved for Consideration if you meet the criteria!
5 months
Good with Kids?
Good with Kids over 5
Good with Cats?
Good with Other Dogs?
Estimated Adult Weight:
60 lbs
Heartworm Positive